Luna / ルナ

Young Master Brewery / ヤング マスター ブルワリー (少爺啤酒廠)
スタイルサワー - Sour / サワー


Symbolizing intuition, wisdom, and feminine energy, the moon stirs in many a sense of spiritual yearning. A celebration of this vitality, beauty, and life’s pivotal moments. Named after the daughter of Young Master's power couple, the head brewers, Tom and Jess Hanson, the newest offspring from our Days of Being Wild Series is aptly named Luna.

Our purest expression of this series and arguably the most complex yet, Luna is released unadorned after extensive aging in a foeder and wine barrels. Supple, fragrant, bright, and rustic, its every sip is unreasonably delicate, verging on fragile, yet revealing the visceral, funky patina of nurturing maturation.


