WATERMELON MOJITO / ウォーターメロンモヒート

UnBarred Brewery / アンバードブルワリー
スタイルサワー - Gose / ゴーゼ


私たちのスイカ モヒート ゴーゼは、熟したスイカの果肉、新鮮なミント、フレーク状のシーソルト、コリアンダー ピリッとしたライムでバックアップされています

collaboration with Good Chemistry Brewing we brewed a continental classic, a refreshing Gose with a twist.
Our Watermelon Mojito Gose comes in at 5.5% and is very true to style at its base. Prominent and very natural aroma of fresh watermelon rind, citrus and fragrant mint.
Ripe watermelon flesh at the forefront is backed up with fresh mint, flaked sea salt, coriander & zesty limes.
This beer has been hands-on and naturally created. We hand juiced 180 watermelons along with the juice & zest of around 200 fresh limes then added fresh mint, coriander, muscovado sugar and flaked sea salt to create a refreshing cocktail-inspired beer.
Fresh, natural and bright!


