BB EVÒ / ビービーエボ

Barley / バーレイ
スタイルその他エール - Grape Ale / グレープエール


evòはサルデーニャ島の土着ブドウ品種の白ブドウ ナスコ を使用。ナスコの果汁を丁寧に12 時間煮詰めて濃縮なサパ(モストコット)を作る。ナスコの特徴である濃く厚みのある味わいと綺麗な酸味に調和させるためバーレイワインベースにサパを加える。煮沸後の麦汁に加える事で熱によりサパを溶解させブドウの果実味・風味を抽出。ビール酵母・ワイン酵母のマルチイーストで発酵させ、その後ブドウ自体の特徴を引き立たせるためステンレスタンクで6 ヶ月間熟成。さらに風味をゆっくり継続的に進化させるためさらに8 か月間瓶内熟成を行う。コクのあるエレガントな味わいの上にフルーティーなアロマ、ブーケ香の複雑な味わいに温かみのある” が完成。




With the highly anticipated BBevò, Nicola Perra tries his hand at using sapa di Nasco, an ancient fortified wine from the Cagliari area.

Clean and very fine nose in which you can detect hints of white grapes and bitter fruit, bitter almond and a clear hint of healthy heat, created by clear notes of morello cherry in alcohol. On the palate it fully confirms the characteristics of finesse and kindness and also confirms the fruity notes of grapes and morello cherries and bitter almonds enriched with herbaceous and peppery notes as well as predictable notes of dried fruit and toffee.

“Gentle” barley wine, drier than normal but rich in warmth, closer in enjoyment to a fine cognac than to a passito. Classic meditation beer, calming and digestive. Perfect for a relaxing end of the evening in front of the fireplace, it can still give ample satisfaction to the palate even at the table with great blue cheeses as well as with chocolate-based desserts, creams and jams but above all with the irresistible and varied almond-based sweets, the pride
of Sardinian artisan pastry shop.


