Perfect Superdelic™ / パーフェクトスーパーデリック
CRAK Brewery / クラックブルワリースタイル | IPA - Hazy IPA / ヘイジーIPA |
ABV | 7.0% |
IBU | - |
ニュージーランドの新作ホップ・スーパーデリックを使用したDDH IPAです。あのNZホップとヤキマチーフとのコラボレーションホップ。ベリー、シトラス、キャンディー、トロピカルフルーツといった複雑で今までにないストラクチャーを持つビールに仕上がっています。
“Super” and “Delic”. “Super” and “Delicious”.
Given the premises and promises that the name suggests, what is the best way to discover and learn about a new preview hop in collaboration with Yakima Chief and NZ Hops ? Use it one hundred percent in our Perfect series .
When we discovered Superdelic it was presented to us with these simple words: “ We've never come across a New Zealand hop like this ” or “ We have never come across such a (good) New Zealand hop ”.
Yes it is true, it often happens to hear presentations like these, but it is difficult to disagree with this statement: citric, berries, candy and the inevitable tropical background, all together in a single hop we didn't have them never heard before.
How was Superdelic born?
The creators tell us directly:
“Superdelic is a triploid variety (cultivar) that was crossed by Dr. Ron Beatson in 2012 through our collaborative breeding program with Plant and Food Research (PFR). Superdelic was developed from European and North American origins. After showing promise in clonal selection trials and displaying berry sensory attributes in pilot brewing trials, Superdelic was quickly inducted into the NZ Hops trial hop breeding program in 2017, thanks to its flavor profile it's unique."
High Fermentation - Ale
7.0% ABV
water, barley malt, oats, hops, yeast. (vegan beer)
100% Superdelic™
in the fridge 2° - 8° C
Service temperature
6th - 8th C
ブルワリー CRAK Brewery / クラックブルワリー
Pontarola,PD / ヴェネト州,パドヴァ
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