Deep Terra / ディープ テラ
The Drowned Lands / ドロウンド ランズスタイル | IPA - Double New England IPA / DNE IPA |
ABV | 8.2% |
IBU | - |
Deep Terra is a Double IPA that we’ve brewed the most often from our hoppy offerings here at the Drowned Lands. For this iteration, we made some hop adjustments. We can easily say this is our best batch yet.
Brewed with our favorite grain bill of two row barley, white wheat, and flaked oats. Fermented with our house hazy yeast blend to just the right gravity that balances both mouthfeel and drinkability. Double dry hopped with Mosaic, Cashmere, and Citra. This beer is absolutely bursting with bright hop aroma, flavors of pink starbust, candied mango, and a perfectly juicy cantaloupe. Available today at 3PM.
ブルワリー The Drowned Lands / ドロウンド ランズ
Warwick, NY / ニューヨーク州,ワーウィック
Terra / テラ
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