Sloshie - Cranberry / スロッシー クランベリー
Oozlefinch / ウーズルフィンチスタイル | サワー - Smoothie , Pastry / スムージー,ペイストリー |
ABV | 6.3% |
IBU | - |
Smoothie Style Sour with Cranberry, Orange, Pineapple, Vanilla & Lactose
アルコール度数/ABV: 6.3%
Come get sloshed on this triple-fruited, thiccer than a sniccer, feed your soul, eat it with a spoon, smoothie-style sour ale. We took the original idea behind our Party Dinosaur series and amplified it to bring you something insanely delicious and not even the slightest bit nutritious. Triple fruited with cranberry, orange and pineapple, you'll be hit with some serious tropical vibes with an insanely creamy mouthfeel for all you sweet tooths out there!
ブルワリー Oozlefinch / ウーズルフィンチ
81 Patch Rd, Fort Monroe, VA 23651
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35 / サーティファイブ
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Oozlefinch / ウーズルフィンチ
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