A Million Pretty Pieces / アミリオンプリティピーシズ
Polly's Brew Co. / ポリーズスタイル | サワー - Gose / ゴーゼ |
ABV | 4.5% |
IBU | - |
Our fruited sour game keeps rolling along, gaining more and more momentum with each release to the point where we believe them to be arguably the most underrated arm of the brewery. After the roaring success of Folsom Stud earlier this year, we wanted to keep up the hype train and release a beer with a distinctly summer vibe – utilising 100% citrus fruits, A Million Pretty Pieces brings Orange, Lemon and Grapefruit to the Polly’s party just in time for summer to roll into its peak. Adding in a kilo of Halen Mon sea salt just to round the tartness off perfectly, this is a beer perfect for kicking back on one of those hazy long evenings to take in the sunshine and toast to a well earned drink after a long day at work. Sweet, sour, and just with a touch of saltiness – let us count a million ways to say we love this beer.
A Million Pretty Pieces – Lemon, Grapefruit & Orange Gose
ブルワリー Polly's Brew Co. / ポリーズ
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Polly's Brew Co. / ポリーズ
PUPA / ピューパ
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