Jeffrey / ジェフリー

Mountain Culture Beer Co / マウンテンカルチャービアカンパニー
スタイルIPA - Hazy Triple IPA / ヘイジートリプルIPA


オーストラリア及びニュージーランドから参加した10のブリュワリー(Range、Fixation、Garage Project、Balter、Banks、Dollar Bill、Wildflower、Hop Nation、Rocky Ridge、White Bay)とMountain Cultureの総勢11社の過激なコラボによって生まれた、どこかフランケンシュタインのようなエール。

We asked the brewers attending our Rauchbier Festival to participate in our biggest collaboration brew (in terms of both amount of people and ABV) to date.

We split the recipe into 11 elements including Water Profile, Yeast, Dry Hop Additions and even "Wildcards", which allowed the brewery to flip the brew on its head.

The result is one beer, a somewhat Frankensteinen ale, with some Oak Chips, Rye Malt and plenty of Galaxy, Riwaka, Warrior, Citra and Nectaron hops along with other stuff that’s unidentifiable.

And that's why it's called Jeffrey, because who could be scared of a Jeffrey, Jeffrey is just this nice bloke from down the road. So don’t be afraid, it’s P-Diddy endorsed and if it all gets too much just stroke a furry wall.


