Cream of the Crop / クリーム オブ ザ クロップ

Mountain Culture Beer Co / マウンテンカルチャービアカンパニー
スタイルIPA - MilkShake IPA / ミルクシェイクIPA


ホップは、NZ産El Doradoをメインに、同じくNZ産Nelson Sauvin、アメリカ産CascadeとCitraを、絶妙に組み合わせ、ジューシーで熟したグーズベリーとオレンジ、そして桃とパイナップルのフレーバーが溢れ出す仕上がり。さらに、これらのホップの風味を引き立てるために乳糖を加え、甘美でクリーミーな口当たりを実現。

It's a wonderful coincidence that you're likely drinking this beer at the exact time Mountain Culture's co-founder, DJ, and head of production, Danny, are frolicking in the hop fields in America at hop selection, where they're busy choosing the "Cream Of The Crop" hops for future beers, including El Dorado, which features heavily in this beer. We've combined it with a favourite NZ hop, Nelson Sauvin, so the beer is bursting with juicy, ripe gooseberries and orange flavours, with hints of peach and pineapple. We've also added lactose to supercharge the hop flavours and for a lusciously, creamy mouthfeel.


