Rosé de Gambrinus / ロゼ ド ガンブリヌス
Brasserie Cantillon / カンティヨンスタイル | サワー - Lambic / ランビック |
ABV | 5.0% |
IBU | - |
As with its sister product Cantillon Kriek, Cantillon Framboise is a fruit beer that is produced by blending raspberries and Lambic beer. For every liter of Lambic beer that has aged for approximately 20 months, 200 grams of Serbian raspberries are added. After two or three months the Lambic beer is soaked with the characteristics of the fruit, after which it is blended again with one year old Lambic to have enough sugars to create a second fermentation in the bottle.
Raspberries are a delicate fruit, meaning it is important to select a Lambic that has a mellow and subtle taste so as to complement rather than to overtake its characteristics. In this sense, it is very difficult to produce a Framboise (raspberry beer) with both the dry acidity of a Lambic and the refreshing sweetness of the raspberries. Cantillon Framboise – the official name Rose de Gambrinus – accomplishes this with flying colors. It strikes a perfect balance between sour and sweet, with additional notes of vanilla, cherry and oak.
When drunk fresh, the fruitiness of the raspberries will have the upper hand. The more you let it age, the more the characteristics of the Lambic beer will prevail.
ブルワリー Brasserie Cantillon / カンティヨン
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