Sunkissed Dreams Nitro / サンキスト ドリームズ ナイトロ
Left Hand Brewing / レフトハンドブルーイングスタイル | その他エール - Blonde Ale / ブロンドエール |
ABV | 4.5% |
IBU | - |
Sunkissed Dreams Nitro is your passport to paradise… a one-way ticket to the place where worries are just footprints in sand. With each sip you’ll find yourself in a tropical state of mind, lounging beneath a palm tree. Flavors of mango and guava will soak your tastebuds and leave tan lines of satisfaction on your soul. The light, refreshing nature of this blonde ale is reminiscent of a gentle ocean breeze, while the golden hue mirrors the sun’s final embrace before it dips below the horizon. Whether you’re sharing it with friends at a beachside bonfire or enjoying a solitary moment of relaxation, let Sunkissed Dreams Nitro turn your daydreams into reality. Grab your shades, find your beach chair, and enjoy a fruit-filled journey where the only thing on your to-do list.
MALT 2 Row, Carafoam
ブルワリー Left Hand Brewing / レフトハンドブルーイング
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ナイトロ フェニックス / Nitro Fenix
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