Bract Project NZH-109 / ブラクトプロジェクト
8 Wired Brewing / エイト ワイヤードスタイル | ピルスナー - Pilsner / ピルスナー |
ABV | 5.8% |
IBU | - |
ニュージーランドホップサプライヤーである 「New Zealand Hops」 社とコラボ企画であるBract Project。彼らが造る新たなホップを使用し各プルワリーが考えるベストなスタイルで醸造。
We are proud to be part of the Bract Brewing Project, testing out experimental varieties grown by NZ Hops.
NZH-109, where do we start with this exceptional package. Complex yet delicate, fruity yet floral, berry yet melon, stone fruit yet cracked pepper..." Are you sure there was only 1 hop used in this beer?" This is one of those freak teenagers that comes along rarely and takes down all the big players. A hop that gives the brewer a huge license to unlock what they want out of this one variety. There will be many champion beers created out of NZH-109! A bold statement? Nah, this one is a real talent so why not just call it.
- Brent McGlashen, Hop Grower
Having just brewed with NZH-109 I can only agree with Brent's praise for this up and coming superstar. It's hugely flavourful and complex. To me the dominant force is still the traditional New Zealand hop character of tropical fruit and lime, but it has all the delicate complexity in the background too which makes it tremendously interesting to work with. Usually a single hop beer lacks a little but this one stands out as a complete package, ready to get to work. In this clean West Coast Pilsner, it really has room to shine.
- Søren Eriksen, Head Brewer
ブルワリー 8 Wired Brewing / エイト ワイヤード
ニュージーランド ワークアース / Warkworth, New Zealand

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0703 IBA
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