Blue Light / ブルーライト
Urban South Brewery / アーバンサウスブルワリースタイル | スタウト - Imperial Stout / インペリアルスタウト |
ABV | 14.7% |
IBU | - |
Thick dark roast coffee stout conditions on hazelnuts and vanilla.
Oh yeah, this stout is definitely our fav.
Scents of coffee, the taste of rich, toasted hazelnut with a complex molasses finish - yeah that's what this baby is about!
This full-body imperial stout has an incredibly hidden high percentage of alcohol - oh yes this is a dangerous game we're playing. This stout has hand-toasted hazelnuts, yes real hazelnuts! Special thanks to our neighbors Wolfgang for allowing us to use their ovens. We also used coffee beans from our friends- The Roastery.
This stout was given great care and time by our brewers, it is absolutely genius and showcases the brilliant brewing minds of our team.
ブルワリー Urban South Brewery / アーバンサウスブルワリー
ルイジアナ州ニューオーリンズ / New Orleans, LA
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Black Light / ブラックライト
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Black light / ブラックライト
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