Pantao Blend 2020 / パンタオ ブレンド 2020
Mikkeller Baghaven Brewing and Blending / ミッケラーバウヘブンスタイル | その他エール - Wild Ale / ワイルドエール |
ABV | 6.0% |
IBU | - |
Danish Wild Ale with White Saturn Peaches aged in Wild Ale Barrels for 18-36 months. Pántáo 2020 is our beloved Danish Wild Ale with White Saturn Peaches. Due to the incredible 2020 harvest of white Saturn peaches, Pántáo 2020 returns back to a similar flavor and acid profile found in Blend 1 (2018). Pántáo 2020 is bursting with fresh white peach flavor, with a balanced acidity that brings a unique freshness that can be incredibly challenging to capture in a beer. For maceration we chose 1-2 year old Danish Wild Ale barrels, with an average age of just over 18 months. The peaches then macerated (with stones) in the beer for 6 weeks. After maceration, we added a bit of 3 year old Danish Wild Ale to round out the complexity, bringing an incredible amount of character that can only be balanced out by over 700 grams of fresh, succulent white Saturn peaches per liter of beer.
ブルワリー Mikkeller Baghaven Brewing and Blending / ミッケラーバウヘブン
コペンハーゲン / Copenhagen, Denmark
Rubus Of Rose / ルーバスオブローズ
Mikkeller Baghaven Brewing and Blending / ミッケラーバウヘブン
Havnesæson Blend 5 / ハヴネソン ブレンド 5
Mikkeller Baghaven Brewing and Blending / ミッケラーバウヘブン
Highway Of Diamonds 2021 / ハイウェイオブダイヤモンド 2021
Mikkeller Baghaven Brewing and Blending / ミッケラーバウヘブン
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Mikkeller Baghaven Brewing and Blending / ミッケラーバウヘブン
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RESPECT PUNKS / リスペクト パンクス
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HANDPAN / ハンドパン
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Lickinghole Creek Craft Brewery / リッキンホール クリーク
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サンクトガーレン / SanktGallen Brewery
Havnesæson Blend 2
Mikkeller Baghaven Brewing and Blending / ミッケラーバウヘブン
勝利 - TRIUMPH - / トライアンフ
WARP / ワープ
うちゅうブルーイング / UCHU BREWING
EMERALD CITY / エメラルドシティ
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