Me Me Pick Me! / ミーミーピックミー
Stoup Brewing / ストゥープスタイル | IPA - American IPA / アメリカンIPA |
ABV | 7.1% |
IBU | 59.0 |
With so many beer choices to choose from, sometimes you've got to be your own advocate. Me, Me, Pick Me! IPA really wants you to experience its intoxicating aromas of grapefruit, tangerine, tropical fruit and pine from late additions of Comet, Citra and Idaho 7 and Chinook hops. That plea isn't desperation, People. That plea is consideration for your well being. You just can't miss out on this one.
Me, Me, Pick Me! IPA
ABV: 7.10%
IBU: 59.00
SRM: 4.00
ブルワリー Stoup Brewing / ストゥープ
ワシントン州シアトル / Seattle, WA
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open air Brewing / オープンエアー ブリューイング
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Stoup Brewing / ストゥープ
Citra Studies / シトラ スタディーズ
Stoup Brewing / ストゥープ
IN THA DOOR BREWING / インザドアブルーイング