Darkwing De Luxe / ダークウィング ド リュクス
Duckpond Brewing / ダックポンド ブリューイングスタイル | サワー - Gose / ゴーゼ |
ABV | 9.0% |
IBU | - |
Oh wow, @duckpondbrewing aren't kidding around with this one! The description says Quadruple Fruited Gose with Black Currant and Vanilla, and the quadruple part is no lie, let me tell you that! If you've had the regular Darkwing, you know that it's flavorful from the start, so this one is like ol' Darkwing on Viagra. Big, bold, thick and pulsating with flavors. Or one flavor at least, black currants. Aroma is super fruity (berry) with black currants coming out of the glass giving you a smackdown. Also light sweetness and bright, fresh fruit notes. Taste is delivered in thick and smoothie like manner. Massive black currants, almost too much. A vanilla cloak is there to bring down the acidity but is overpowered in a friendly way by the black currant. Towards the end, there's a sharpness, that reminds you a little bit of when you have a sip on non-diluted fruit concentrate. That effect brings the beer down a notch, other than that, one of the most flavorful Gose's I've ever had.
Darkwing De Luxe
Fruited Gose - ABV 9.0%
ブルワリー Duckpond Brewing / ダックポンド ブリューイング
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