Gareth Pale
Away Days Brewing / アウェイデイズ ブリューイングスタイル | ペールエール - Pale Ale / ペールエール |
ABV | 4.6% |
IBU | - |
This classic, hopped up pale has everything you need in a pleasantly pale pint… Citrus forward hops, subtle caramel malts and assertive bitterness. Our homage to arguably the greatest American craft beer and Welsh footballer.
Gareth Pale is a very accessible and drinkable hop showcase. The beer pours a brilliant shade of orange and drinks with a snappy finish. Clean fermentation and very subtle sweetness, from caramel malts, support the heavy handed hopping of Amarillo, Chinook, and Idaho 7 varieties. The initial maltiness is quickly overtaken by a strong bitterness that fades to fresh citrus notes. Hops linger on the palate without presenting as harsh or astringent.
ブルワリー Away Days Brewing / アウェイデイズ ブリューイング
OR, Portland / オレゴン州,ポートランド
400 / ヨンヒャク
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