Feed the Beast / フィード ザ ビースト
Fort George Brewery / フォートジョージスタイル | スタウト - Imperial Stout / インペリアルスタウト |
ABV | 12.0% |
IBU | - |
We have a lot in common with our friends at Reuben’s Brews in Seattle. They really like barrel-aged stouts. We really like barrel-aged stouts. And well… everyone knows the foundation of a long and happy union is a mutual love of barrel-aged stouts. SO…we proposed to Reuben’s. And guess what? They said yes. And the wedding? The wedding is right now. The wedding is a barrel-aged stout collaboration. It’s called Feed the Beast.
Reuben’s picked their favorite grains, we picked some oats, we did a double mash, boosting the flavor profile and alcohol content with liquid malt extract. No adjuncts, no extraneous additions, just roasty, toasty malt and heady barrel flavors. We fed the beast. And we’ll keep feeding it. Until death do us part.
Appearance: Pitch black, dense tan head.
Aroma: Very rich chocolate, dried red fruit, graham cracker, brandy, and caramel.
Flavor: Mouthfeel is very full, almost like drinking chocolate. Heavy, chocolate wine, and fading to vanilla, oak, and a hint of brandy.
ブルワリー Fort George Brewery / フォートジョージ
OR,Astoria / オレゴン州,アストリア

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