Mezclar Barrel-Aged Cuvee / メスカラー バレルエイジド
Fremont Brewing / フリモントブルーイングスタイル | スタウト - Imperial Stout / インペリアルスタウト |
ABV | 10.1% |
IBU | 50.0 |
Mezclar is an exclusive marriage of select vintages of Bourbon Barrel-Aged Dark Star Stout and a porter specifically designed for this beer.
Down & Dirty: 2-Row Pale, Brown Malt, Munich, Black Malt, Crystal-120, Roast Barley, Carafa-2, Crystal-60, Chocolate Malt, and Flaked Oats with Willamette, Columbus, Cascade, Chinook, and German Hallertau Mittlefruh hops
ABV: 10.1% IBU: 50
Color: Dark black, opaque
Aroma: Sweet aromatics dominate in the form of brown sugar, caramel, chocolate, and cola with whiskey, woody, dried fruit and warm spice notes
Flavor: High sweetness, gentle bitterness that lingers lightly in medium body with moderate warming and mouthwatering
ブルワリー Fremont Brewing / フリモントブルーイング
ワシントン州シアトル / Seattle, WA
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