Star - Topped / スター トップド
Track Brewing / トラックブリューイングスタイル | ペールエール - Hazy Pale Ale / New England Pale Ale |
ABV | 5.1% |
IBU | - |
International Women’s Day 2024に仕込んだビール。
ホップにはHBC 586, Galaxyを使用。
For International Women’s Day 2024 we opened up the Brewery and welcomed folks in to be part of the process. What started out in 2022 as a one day event, has since developed into three IWD brew days and 3 beers. Once again, we have partnered with Fawcetts society, who campaign for gender equality and women's rights, and will be making a donation of £500 from the sales of the beer to the Fawcett Society (charity no 1108769).
Big, overripe Mango flavours leap from the glass with this juicy Pale Ale, with waves of sticky Passionfruit, tart Lychee and other Tropical Fruits. A dose of Galaxy hops adds an earthy element to the finish, balancing some of the sweeter flavours and rounding out this beer perfectly.
ブルワリー Track Brewing / トラックブリューイング
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Track Brewing / トラックブリューイング
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