Space Rainbow / スペース レインボー

Equilibrium Brewery / イクリブリウムブルワリー
スタイルIPA - Hazy Double IPA / Hazy W-IPA


Solar Fluctuations cause intense electromagnetic radiation to travel across the Galaxy, which can be scattered to produce a full circle of oscillating colors ranging from red, orange, yellow , blue, indigo, and violet. When there is no horizon to break this up you get a full ring of color vs the traditional semi-circle…. Or… a Space Rainbow
For this follow up beer, we wanted to make something smooth, pillowy, whimsical, and wholesome, all the things that remind us of rainbows.

We used plenty of oats and wheat, a whirlpool of Citra and Motueka, and then dry hopped it with Galaxy, Moteuka, and Citra. We added a touch of lactose to make it extra smooth and pillowy.
The beer pours bright yellow with Galaxy giving a full prism of flavor: super soft grapefruit, lime, mango, and pineapple notes with a luscious and cushy mouthfeel and a beautiful EQ juice finish.



