Stellar Evolution / ステラー エボリューション
Equilibrium Brewery / イクリブリウムブルワリースタイル | IPA - Double IPA (W IPA) / ダブルIPA |
ABV | 8.0% |
IBU | - |
Stellar Evolution replaces the standard hops in our MC² recipe and utilized a mix of Haas Incognito, T-90 Pellets, and Lupomax Pellets keeping everything else the same.
Stellar Evolution has bright aromas of citrus and pineapple along with flavors of assorted citrus, stone fruit, mango, pineapple, and a perfect mix of resinous hop character to bring you a more pronounced version of a favorite.
ブルワリー Equilibrium Brewery / イクリブリウムブルワリー
2-8 South Street, Middletown, NY 10940
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