Ghost In the Laboratory / ゴースト イン ザ ラボラトリー
Equilibrium Brewery / イクリブリウムブルワリースタイル | IPA - Hazy Double IPA / Hazy W-IPA |
ABV | 8.5% |
IBU | - |
Using a mashed up grain bill from Straight Outta The Laboratory and Ghost in The Machine, we used a massive dose of CO2 extract, Citra Incognito, and our hand selected Citra T-90s on the hotside followed by an insane amount of Citra LUPOMAX and our hand selected Citra T-90s for the Double Dry Hop; the heaviest dry-hop in Equilibrium’s history.
Ghost In The Laboratory pours opaque and vivid yellow and has very strong aromas of extreme mango supported by tropical nectar. The flavor is explosive with extremely saturated notes of mango smoothie, Grovestand Orange Juice with plenty of pulp, orange tang, tropical fruit cup in syrup, dank grass, and a rainbow melon creamsicle note from our #EQjuice finish.
ブルワリー Equilibrium Brewery / イクリブリウムブルワリー
2-8 South Street, Middletown, NY 10940
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