Power of Flight IPA / パワーオブフライトIPA
El Segundo Brewery / エルセグンドスタイル | IPA - West Coast IPA |
ABV | 6.4% |
IBU | - |
シングルホップのWest Coast IPAのEl Doradoホップ版。
毎年とても多くの方が旅行でWest Coast(西海岸)を訪れます。
このビールはまるで西海岸へひとっ飛びしたかのような気分が味わえる「El Dorado航空」のようです!さあ肩の力を抜いて美しい眺めを楽しんでください。
ホップ:El Dorado
Style: West Coast IPA
ABV- 6.4%
Hops- EL DORADO / Amarillo
For centuries, humans envied animals of the avian variety that possessed the ability to fly. Tirelessly, we studied them. Unsuccessfully, we attempted to replicate their actions. Luckily, if you’re reading this, the hard work is done and we can kick back and enjoy the fruits of our predecessors’ labor, for the power of flight is here for our enjoyment! But, where shall it take you? Many see the West Coast as the beacon of destinations. And can you blame them? After all, the West Coast has endless sunshine, a Mediterranean climate, and best of all, the IPA. So jump aboard El Dorado Hops Airlines on this West Coast flight! It’s time to unwind and enjoy the clear view, because this is vacation in a can.
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