Power Plant TIPA / パワープラントトリプルIPA
El Segundo Brewery / エルセグンドスタイル | IPA - Triple IPA / トリプルIPA |
ABV | 11.1% |
IBU | - |
通常この表現を使うことは滅多にありませんが、このPower Plant Triple IPAはまさしく「ビール界のベヒーモス」。
Style: West Coast TIPA
ABV- 11,1%
Hops- Citra, Mosaic, Simcoe, Amarillo
Notes- “Behemoth” is a term not to be used lightly, for it’s reserved for the things in life that truly are monstrous. So when we tell you that Power Plant Triple India Pale Ale is a behemoth of a beer, you can rest assured that we are not mincing words. The hop cocktail is designed to overwhelm your senses, resulting in aromatics that challenge even the most refined of noses to distinguish a single note. Yes, Power Plant is as majestic as it is mysterious. And like an untamed beast in the wild, don’t let this one sneak up on you, lest ye be #PowerPlanted…
ブルワリー El Segundo Brewery / エルセグンド
CA,El Segundo / カリフォルニア州,エルセグンド

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