Through the Veil / スルーザ ヴェイル
REVISION Brewing Company / リビジョンスタイル | IPA - Triple IPA / トリプルIPA |
ABV | 10.5% |
IBU | 45.0 |
West Coast IPAの柑橘や松のような味わいと、Hazy IPAのジューシーなトロピカル感、両方の特徴を併せ持った最先端のアメリカンIPA。
Kohatu, Mosaic Cryo, そして Citraを使いドライホッピング。
モルトには Two-row, Pilsner, Wheatを使用しています。
ホップ:Kohatu, Cryo Mosaic, Citra
Each human is fully unique yet part of an infinite field of interconnectedness. Through the Veil celebrates that interwoven consciousness with a Modern West Coast-Style Triple IPA that bridges the realities of our two favorite IPA styles. With big juicy notes of ripe pineapple, mango, and candied citrus with a hint of pine and resin from a massive dry hop of Kohatu®,CRYO Mosaic®, and Citra®, this is further elevated by a clean malt bill of two-row, pilsner, and wheat.
ブルワリー REVISION Brewing Company / リビジョン
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