Brew 6000 / ブリュー6000
Fremont Brewing / フリモントブルーイングスタイル | その他 - Barleywine / バーレーワイン |
ABV | 11.9% |
IBU | 30.0 |
Fremont Brewing began as a dream in 2008. Years later, our dream has come true in each and every one of you, our craft beer family. And like every family, we have had our ups and our downs, but we keep coming back together knowing we are stronger together. In your hands is a special nod to you, a gift for now that will continue to give many years from now should you have the patience to wait…Brew 6000. This English-style barleywine ale uses floor-malted English barley, Noble hops, and is aged in 10-15 year-old, single use bourbon barrels for 16 months to bring you a complex and subtle craft beer flavor experience. We brewed this to celebrate brewing our 6000th brew, and we look forward to sharing it with you, our craft beer family. “Barleywine Is Life.” – VWP
Down & Dirty: Maris Otter Pale and Carafa 2 Special malts with White Wheat and Magnum and US Goldings hops.
ABV: 11.9% IBU: 30
Color: Dark brown
Aroma: Brown sugar, with other sweet aromatic notes of honey, caramel and vanilla. Dried stone fruits followed by oak, whiskey and leather add to the complexity
Flavor: Definite sweetness and very slightly bitter with cloying lingering sweetness in full body with a velvety, warm mouthfeel
ブルワリー Fremont Brewing / フリモントブルーイング
ワシントン州シアトル / Seattle, WA
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