Atomic Jukebox / アトミック ジュークボックス
Fort George Brewery / フォートジョージスタイル | IPA - Hazy IPA / ヘイジーIPA |
ABV | 8.4% |
IBU | - |
In 2017, our good buddies from Kex Brewing in Reykjavik, Iceland made the trek out to Astoria to collaborate on this POG-Inspired IPA. Brewed with heaps of Mosaic, Azacca, and Simcoe Hops and pounds of passionfruit, orange, and guava purees, Atomic Jukebox is reminiscent of a tropical breakfast hop juice, with dessert-like intensity and the complex, juicy profile of an IPA.
Hops: Mosaic, Azacca, Simcoe
Malts: Weyermann Pilsner, White Wheat, Flaked Oats
Yeast: London DF
Other: Passionfruit, Orange & Guava Concentrates
ブルワリー Fort George Brewery / フォートジョージ
OR,Astoria / オレゴン州,アストリア
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