Pause for Effect / ポーズ フォア エフェクト
Modern Times /モダンタイムススタイル | IPA - Hazy Double IPA / Hazy W-IPA |
ABV | 8.0% |
IBU | 60.0 |
Nelson、Strata、Mosaic Cryoホップを使った季節限定のHazy Double IPA。
ホップ:Nelson、Strata、Mosaic Cryo
Modern Times Beer announced the launch of its first limited release of 2023, Pause for Effect Hazy Double India Pale Ale. It is the first in a series of highly innovative and incredibly delicious Hazy Double IPAs planned for 2023.
Pause for Effect Hazy DIPA took years to develop, using a process of estery Juice yeast, mid-fermentation dry hop, and secret mineral additions. Concentrated hop products including Mosaic Cryo and Citra Incognito add layers of citrus and tropical aromas that will continue to transform throughout the life of the beer.
“We wanted to create something that was as drinkable as it was boundary-pushing,” said Andrew Schwartz, Director of Product Innovation and Development. “Using the combination of cutting-edge hop products and time-tested techniques we were able to make something both alluring and high ABV, simple and aromatically boastful.”
Pause for Effect (8.0% ABV) is a limited release available on tap and in 4-pack cans to-go at Modern Times Beer locations in Point Loma, North Park, and Encinitas and at fine retailers in Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, and Texas.
ブルワリー Modern Times /モダンタイムス
CA,San Diego / カリフォルニア州,サンディエゴ
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