12th Anniversary IPA / 12周年 IPA
Smog City / スモッグシティスタイル | IPA - Double IPA (W IPA) / ダブルIPA |
ABV | 8.3% |
IBU | - |
また今年もこの季節がやってまいりました!2年前の10周年IPAは強烈なダンク感と柑橘感が特徴的な王道West Coast IPA。
今年のテーマはホップの果汁感をたっぷりと引き出したDouble IPA。
Citra Cryo、Centennial、Strataを使いトロピカルなマンゴー、レモンキャンディー、そしてハリボーグミのようなフルーティーな特徴をフル活用しています。
普段滅多にDouble IPAを作らないSmog Cityですが、記念日を皆さんにも楽しんでもらうためにも今回は新しい試みを行いました。
ホップ:Citra Cryo, Centennial, Strata
Smog City's 12th Anniversary Double IPA is big, bold, beautiful, and brewed with as much love and care as our community has shown us these past 12 years. We chose a Double IPA for our 12th Anniversary beer because the intense character and high alcohol content allows us to really get crazy and experimental with as much hop flavor as we can. It's our way of saying thank YOU for all your support of our craft. We truly wouldn't be here without all of you.
The 12th Anniversary Double IPA was crafted with Citra Cryo, Centennial, and Strata hops, for an incredible IPA experience that absolutely shines with tropical mango, candied lemon, and a devilish gummy bear sweetness. This beer is extra sneaky, with a crushable presence that absolutely doesn't drink likes its a hefty 8.3%.
ブルワリー Smog City / スモッグシティ
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