Set in Stone / セット イン ストーン
Rocky Ridge Brewing Co / ロッキーリッジブリューイングスタイル | IPA - West Coast IPA / ウエストコーストIPA |
ABV | 6.5% |
IBU | - |
Ekuanot T90ペレット、Citra T90ペレット、Ella T90ペレット、El Dorado T90ペレット、さらにEl Dorado Salvo ホップが加えられ、十分にホッピーでありながら、通常のWest Coast IPAとは一味違う。パッションフルーツ、パイニーやシトラスのホップアロマだけではなく、ベルジャンスタイルを思わせる、バブルガムやバナナを含むトロピカルなジューシーIPAとなっている。
Okay, confession time… “Set in Stone ” is far from your typical straight down the line WCIPA. At Rocky Ridge, we thrive on pushing the boundaries, and this time, we took a daring leap with a new yeast strain. Let’s just say, our research might have been a little less than perfect – but boy, did it lead to something unexpectedly awesome!
Our fearless yeast went wild and produced a whole heap of esters (yes, it was meant to!), and guess what? They do NOT belong in a WCIPA. But here’s where it gets exciting – “Set in Stone” not only boasts the expected pine and citrus notes but also surprises you with a tropical juice IPA with more of a Belgian West Coast influence than American – delightful hints of fruity goodness and a downright funky flair!
So, calling all craft beer adventurers who crave an IPA with a point of difference – “Set in Stone” is an absolute must-try. This brew is unapologetically unique and will take your taste buds on a thrilling ride.
Ingredients: Pils Malt, Chit Malt, Munich Malt, Dextrose, Ekuanot T90, Citra T90, Ella T90, El Dorado T90, El Dorado Salvo
Allergens: Gluten Reduced
ABV: 6.5%
ブルワリー Rocky Ridge Brewing Co / ロッキーリッジブリューイング
WA,Busselton / 西オーストラリア州,ベッセルトン
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