Strummer / ストラマー
Pressure Drop Brewing / プレッシャードロップブリューイングスタイル | その他エール - Blonde Ale / ブロンドエール |
ABV | 6.0% |
IBU | 17.0 |
This traditional Belgian ale is inspired by the flavors of a patersbier, a light beer that monks drank while making heartier brews. Strummer, our homage to those brewing monks, is made of high-quality Belgian pilsner malt, Saaz and Hallertau hops, and Belgian yeast.
These ingredients create a traditional, straight forward Belgian ale that highlights the yeast’s flavors. You’ll enjoy a beer that starts with a nice, light Belgian note of banana and clove. The body is light and smooth, with a crisp finish.
Karl, Pressure Drop Brewing’s head brewer, has a dog named Joe Strummer. Joe Strummer the dog is named after Joe Strummer the man, the lead singer of The Clash. The dog is named after the man, but our beer is named after the dog.
ブルワリー Pressure Drop Brewing / プレッシャードロップブリューイング
NY, Buffalo / ニューヨーク州,バッファロー
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Touch On / タッチオン
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Haiku / ハイク
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Over The Line / オーバーザライン
DEEDS BREWING / ディーズ ブルーイング