Native - Rouge / ネイティブ - ルージュ
Graft Cider / グラフトサイダースタイル | Cider / サイダー - Cider / サイダー |
ABV | 6.9% |
IBU | - |
Spontaneous Red Wine
We pressed whole Finger Lakes-grown Chambourcin grapes until the skins were dry. The flesh of these deep purple grapes still had some flavor to give, so we tossed them in with their juice to age. Aging on the skin can be an overlooked step; however, we love the tannic qualities expressed throughout this process. Allowing the grapes and skins to fully ferment out enabled all the flavors to party together until dry. Now we can call the juice, red wine.
The red wine was transferred into oak barrels and left to age again. The expression “aging like fine wine” applies here. Tapping into our foeder, which housed seven years of solera cider, we blended this funky, yeasty, sidra-inspired cider with the red wine. The final step in the grape’s journey from farm to cidery was to condition in the can, aka can conditioning. Can conditioning leaves the liquid inside delicate, frizzante, and complex.
ブルワリー Graft Cider / グラフトサイダー
ニューヨーク州ハドソンバレー / Hudson Valley, NY
Book of Nomad - Sunrise Kingdom / ブック オブ ノマド - サンライズ キングダム
Graft Cider / グラフトサイダー
Book of Nomad - BLAZING DUNES / ブックオブノマド - ブレイジング デューンズ
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SHARED UNIVERSE CEREMONY / シェアード ユニバース セレモニー
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BOOK OF NOMAD - CAPTIVE AUDIENCE / ビック オブ ノマド - キャプティブ オーディエンス
Graft Cider / グラフトサイダー
Native - Oranje / ネイティブ - オランジュ
Graft Cider / グラフトサイダー
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Graft Cider / グラフトサイダー
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One / ワン
Teenage Brewing / ティーンエイジ ブルーイング
哲坂 IPA
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