The Dark Prodigy / ザ ダーク プロディジー
West Coast Brewing / ウエストコーストブリューイングスタイル | IPA - Double IPA (W IPA) / ダブルIPA |
ABV | 8.5% |
IBU | - |
ここは、地下要塞のようなものだろうか。無事にあの石扉を開き、長い橋を渡ったその先。息苦しいほどの重い空気に包まれて、勇者Hop Dudeたちは悪の深さに固唾を呑む。
「見て!……あれがDark Prodigyだ!」
あのNemesisが全幅の信頼を寄せる『The Dark Prodigy』。伝説のAlchemist“Ultima”を祖母に持ちながらも、“The Black Book”の魔術を得たことで類まれなる才能を悪へと捧げ、闇落ちの運命を辿った者。
勇者Hop Dudeたちは無双の戦闘力で挑む。しかし、闇雲に根深いダークサイドの世界。奴らが終焉を迎えることなど、果たしてあるのだろうか?
So there was always that one boss. Getting toward the end of the dungeon, and it's crazy gimmicky. Like vehicles and stuff. The idea, in theory, TOTALLY BADASS. In execution though, ugh. Add hard modes and constant fire(!), clearing it only felt like a massive relief on the road to whatever IMPENDING DOOM the next boss would bring. And so, here we are. The Dark Prodigy. And he's riding some kind of Nemesis' conjured evil TANK vehicle (hellllll yes). Our Hop Heroes, having finally grabbed all of their necessary epix and set pieces (doing loot carries on the first 4 bosses now fyi), have made it to the Penultimate fight of the dungeon. (Yes, that means there is one more after this.) Before his defection to the Darkness, The Dark Prodigy was one of the Hop Academy's finest students, taken by the Nemesis' through the Gateway to the Dark Lab to push his minions even further, to conjure hazy concoctions fueled by the Alchemist's latest teachings. The Dark Prodigy is a two phase fight. In Phase One our team of heroes must work together to knock The Dark Prodigy from his vehicle, all while dodging damaging blasts of NZ Motuere, Riwaka and Wakatu, which place a permanent stacking damage reduction debuff on players (and also have notes of mango, pineapple and peach). At 30% Phase 2 begins, The Dark Prodigy summoning 3 clones of himself (herbaceous hints / sweet aromatics / grassy notes) which all have to perish within 5 seconds of each other or the boss will go into "Another Sip" enrage mode, which is an insta-wipe. Good luck in your continued quest for epix and hazies, as our "dungeon series" finally makes its way to the grand finale.
The Dark Prodigy
Juicy Double IPA / 8.5% ABV
w/Moutere, Wakatu, Riwaka & El Dorado CGX
ブルワリー West Coast Brewing / ウエストコーストブリューイング
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West Coast Brewing / ウエストコーストブリューイング
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