Provenance Clementine & Tangelo / プロヴァナンス クレメンタイン&タンジェロ
Jester King Brewery / ジェスター キング ブルワリースタイル | IPA - Farmhouse IPA / ファームハウスIPA |
ABV | 6.2% |
IBU | - |
Farmhouse Ale with Tangelo and Clementine
Provenance with Tangelo and Clementine is a dry, highly-attenuated, authentic farmhouse ale, brewed with Hill Country well water, malted barley, malted wheat, hops, and fermented with a unique blend of brewer’s yeast, native wild yeast, and native souring bacteria. The flavors are yeast and souring bacteria driven with the fruits serving as integral components of the fermentation. This batch of Provenance was brewed with the both zest and juice of tangelos and clementines. We incorporate the fruit into the fermentation, so that wild yeast and souring bacteria can transform the fruit flavors into something that’s greater than the sum of its parts.
ブルワリー Jester King Brewery / ジェスター キング ブルワリー
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