Smooth Operator / スムース オペレーター
Range Brewing / レンジブリューイングスタイル | サワー - Smoothie , Pastry / スムージー,ペイストリー |
ABV | 5.5% |
IBU | - |
Smooth Operator is an Autumn inspired smoothie-style sour ale featuring huge additions of raspberry, strawberry, and dragonfruit. Our brewers and production team have been working hard to refine and enhance our smoothie sours and this is the first instalment utilising a new method featuring heavier additions of fruit than ever before. The first thing you will notice is that amazing colour we have achieved. Pouring bright, electric pink in the glass, this beer is a sight to behold. Layers and layers of raspberry, strawberry and dragonfruit jostle for front position on your palate, leaving your palate coated with juicy fruit. The addition of lactose adds a touch of sweetness without taking anything away from the tartness of the fruit.
ブルワリー Range Brewing / レンジブリューイング
クイーズランド,ニューステッド / Newstead,QLD
Smooth Operator / スムース オペレーター
Range Brewing / レンジブリューイング
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