La Mas Buena / ラ マス ブエナ
Bale Breaker Brewery / ベイルブレーカースタイル | ラガー - Mexcan Lager / メキシカンラガー |
ABV | 5.0% |
IBU | 17.0 |
La Mas Buena Mexican Lager is a nod to tradition, crafted with flaked corn and Pilsner malt. After years of our Spanish-speaking customers asking for “la mas buena?” (translation: “the best one?”), we decided to set a new standard for excellence with an authentic Mexican Lager that is crisp, smooth, and refreshing. ¡Salud to La Mas Buena!
Flavor Profile:
Easy-drinking & malt-forward with bread dough & corn chip aromas. Fruity & floral hints. Low bitterness & sweetness.
Malt: Pilsner, Vienna, Flaked Corn
Hops: HBC 1134, Ahtanum®
Yeast: BBBC Lager
ブルワリー Bale Breaker Brewery / ベイルブレーカー
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Bale Breaker Brewery / ベイルブレーカー
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Favorito / ファボリート
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