Derive Slow / ディライブスロウ
Stave & Nail Brewing Company / スティーブ&ネイルブリューイングスタイル | その他エール - Wild Ale / ワイルドエール |
ABV | 5.2% |
IBU | - |
Wild Ale with White Peaches and South American Mangos.
Derive Slow was brewed in collaboration with our friends out in Columbus Ohio, Derive Brewing Company. We handpicked barrels from our cellar together, one of which was from our first ever spontaneous brews, and then set out to find some ripe fruit. We ended up settling on White Peaches and South American Mangoes. The resulting beer is fruit forward with a nice background of funk and oak. It displays a medium acidity and is bone dry.
ブルワリー Stave & Nail Brewing Company / スティーブ&ネイルブリューイング
1325 Grand Ave STE 107, San Marcos, CA 92078
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Stave & Nail Brewing Company / スティーブ&ネイルブリューイング
IRODORI / イロドリ
忽布古丹醸造 / HOP KOTAN BREWING (ホップコタン)
忽布古丹醸造 / HOP KOTAN BREWING (ホップコタン)
忽布古丹醸造 / HOP KOTAN BREWING (ホップコタン)