Amarillo by Morning / アマリロ バイ モーニング
Offshoot Beer Co / オフシュートビアカンパニースタイル | IPA - American IPA / アメリカンIPA |
ABV | 6.5% |
IBU | - |
Crosby Hops Farmとのコラボ第一弾。
It’s fresh hop season! We partnered with our friends at Crosby Hops in Oregon to overnight a shipment of freshly-picked Amarillo hops, which our team then hand-processed and added straight to the brew. Amarillo by Morning is clear and crisp, allowing the delicate fresh hop qualities to shine through. Classic aromas of floral and citrus notes first hit the nose and the palate is treated to a cocktail of lemon peel and grapefruit with a tropical twist at the finish. You’ll want to make sure to strap your boots on proper for this one.
Hops: 100% Fresh Amarillo
Malts: 2-Row, Pilsner, Wheat, Carafoam
Yeast: Cali
ABV: 6.5%
ブルワリー Offshoot Beer Co / オフシュートビアカンパニー
Placentia, CA / カリフォルニア州,プラセンシア
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