Through The Prism / スルー ザ プリズム
Definitive Brewing Co. / ディフィニティブブリューイングスタイル | IPA - Hazy Double IPA / Hazy W-IPA |
ABV | 9.0% |
IBU | - |
This is a special one. We're stoked to announce this collaboration with our friends from across the city! The crew at Belleflower came by on our brew day here and supplied us with a big chunk of the grain for this brew and we supplied them with some of our house yeast for their brew the following day. Our pal Paul from Willamete Valley Hops also came for the brew and hooked us up with some of their advanced hop products to really take this beer to the next level. It is a true collaboration from grain to glass. Dosed with Citra Incognito in the whirpool, and Citra Lupomax, Bru-1 Lupomax, and Mosaic Spectrum in the cellar, this beer is truly larger than life, sitting at a formidable 9.0% ABV. This hop-heavy DDH DIPA tastes and smells like New-World stone fruits, freshly cut pineapple, and berry medleys.
ブルワリー Definitive Brewing Co. / ディフィニティブブリューイング
メーン州ポートランド / Portland, ME
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Definitive Brewing Co. / ディフィニティブブリューイング
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