HEAD FULL OF DYNOMITE V.34 / ヘッドフルオブダイノマイト
Fremont Brewing / フリモントブルーイングスタイル | IPA - Hazy IPA / ヘイジーIPA |
ABV | 6.8% |
IBU | - |
Head Full of Dynomite (HFOD) is an ongoing series of hazy IPAs, each one different from the one before. “Friends bring happiness into your life, best friends bring beer.” – VWP
Down & Dirty: 2-Row Pale, Rolled Oats, Malted Oats, and White Wheat with Citra, Mosaic, Strata, and Sorachi Ace hops
ABV: 6.8% IBU: ACT (a crap ton)
Color: Hazy light orange
Aroma: Guava, pineapple, and lychee tropical notes with grapefruit orange, pine and florals
Flavor: Lightly sweet and moderate bitterness that lingers slightly with medium body and carbonation
Availability: December 2021, limited. Look for new iterations of Head Full of Dynomite about every 6 weeks.
Fresh Range: 90 days from packaged-on date
ブルワリー Fremont Brewing / フリモントブルーイング
ワシントン州シアトル / Seattle, WA
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