Summer Style / サマースタイル
Harpoon Brewery / ハープーン ブルワリースタイル | その他エール - Blonde Ale / ブロンドエール |
ABV | 5.0% |
IBU | - |
ホッピーかつヘイジーな元祖的存在であるクラシックなケラーケルシュをインスパイアしたBlonde Ale。
このキリリと爽快なBlonde Aleを一口飲めば、身も心も常夏に連れて行ってくれます!色味は薄く濁ったまばゆい藁色で、レモンの皮、ビスケット、ハニーデューメロン、刈りたての芝のようなアロマ。
ホップ:Mandarina Bavaria, Sterling, Huell Melon
Summer Beer
We decided to brew this beer after Rich and Dan visited Cologne, Germany, the birthplace of the Kölsch style. They loved the subtlety of the flavor and appreciated the craftsmanship required to make a beer like this consistent and good. We were on the lookout for a new summer seasonal at the time and the Kölsch, with its refreshing flavor and crisp finish, seemed like a perfect fit.
Our version of the traditional German Kölsch-style ale. This beer, which is light and refreshing, appears to resemble a lager rather than an ale. The Kölsch style is a testimony to the broad spectrum of characteristics an ale can produce, as well as the brewer’s art. The body is soft and delicate with a dry, crisp finish.
Tasting Notes:
Appearance: Straw-gold with bubbly white head
Aroma: Lightly sweet, faint wheat
Mouth feel: Delicate body
Taste: Crisp, lemon-y, some bitterness
Finish: Dry, crisp
ブルワリー Harpoon Brewery / ハープーン ブルワリー
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