Sleep. Drink. Sleep Again / スリープ ドリンク スリープ アゲイン
West Coast Brewing / ウエストコーストブリューイングスタイル | IPA - Hazy Triple IPA / ヘイジートリプルIPA |
ABV | 9.0% |
IBU | - |
WCBクラウドファンディングProject 限定醸造。
新たにHop Dudeたちの住処が、用宗にまたひとつ。
皆さまからのご支援を糧に生まれた、WCB直営ホテル 『The Villa & Barrel Lounge』はビールを愛する者たちの夢を共に叶える、特別の地。時間がゆるすまで、ただただ贅沢に、のんびりゆるりと過ごしながら、WCBの世界にどっぷりと陶酔してください。
Hop Dudeは、いつでも用宗であなたを待っています!
Hop Dudes, we can't thank you enough. We are so stoked and grateful for the overwhelming support we've had the past year putting together The Villa... its endgame final boss health bar 10% time and we can't wait to finish it off and share it with you all. In the meantime, 441 of you are about to get the goodies. Sleep. Drink. Sleep Again. is our limited-edition brew baked up for our crowdfunding campaign crew, a massive gushing dank masterpiece of a 9.0% Hazy Triple IPA dry hopped in decided excess with Enigma, Mosaic, Mosaic CRYO... and the real deal, Freestyle Kohia Nelson. Kohia Nelson omg. The Villa supporters get first crack at this absolutely amazing hop, The Bruce infused with dried NZ passionfruit pre-pelletization for additional awesomeness (vocabulary broken). Add Mosaic and its CRYO counterpart and the dankness is a thing of beauty. Overripe tropical fruit, dried pineapple, guava... and oh yes passionfruit. It's almost a shame that this is a one-timer, but for the Hop Dude faithful it's the least we can do. Thank you again and we will see you soon at The Villa!!
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