Hypermeta / ハイパーメタ

KAIJU! BEER / カイジュービア
スタイルIPA - Hazy IPA / ヘイジーIPA


アメリカ産Columbus、El Dorado、Simcoe、Simcoe Cryoとオーストラリア産Eclipseを由来とする、グアバ、パイナップル、マンゴー、メロンの香りがはちきれんばかり。メルボルンで一番飲みやすいHazy IPAを目指してこのビールのバランスを仕上げてきたことがよくわかる。

MALTS: Columbus, Eclipse, Simcoe, El Dorado
HOPS: Pale, Wheat, Chit malt, rolled wheat & oat, oat malt and golden oats

Brimming with guava, pineapple, mango and melon. Hypermeta has a pillowy mouthfeel with subtle bitterness to finish it off.

Absolutely the juiciest looking hazy in the glass. Dare we say, maybe the most drinkable hazy IPA in town (we can fight about it at lunch behind the cafeteria if anyone disagrees).

Elemental forces caused the hop cocoon to hatch into something unexpected and mysterious. The beastie inside had undergone a hypermetamorphosis to become Floramotharadon.

The creature blinked its eye, taking in its new surroundings with wonder. Then, with a powerful jolt, it realised it wanted for just one thing – Farolactan juice. The nature of Floramotharadon was… irrepressible!


