Another Life / アナザーライフ
Firestone Walker Brewing / ファイアストーン ウォーカー ブリューイングスタイル | IPA - Cold IPA / コールドIPA |
ABV | 6.0% |
IBU | - |
Citra, El Dorado, Centennial, Chinookホップを使い柑橘の皮、松、完熟パイナップル、スイカキャンディーを彷彿とさせるフレーバー。
ホップ:Citra, El Dorado, Centennial, Chinook
Greet the sun with this bright blonde Cold IPA featuring a blend of Citra, El dorado, Centennial, and Chinook hops. Part classic citrus and pine, part ripe pineapple and watermelon candy, all crispy.
Another Life is brewed in the Cold IPA style pioneered at Wayfinder Brewing in Portland, OR. It’s brewed with rice for a light and crisp body, then fermented at ale temperatures with our house lager yeast for a clean profile that lets the hops take center stage while dissipating the usual sulfur compounds found in traditionally cold-fermented lagers. El Dorado and Citra hops in the kettle and whirlpool lay down a ripe tropical and citrus fruit profile, then return in the dry hop, this time joined by the classics Centennial and Chinook, which layer on more citrus, floral, and pine notes. The overall profile is a super crisp and clean IPA with flavors of ripe pineapple and watermelon candy and hints of orange, lime, and pine. This is the IPA you’ll want to enjoy on the patio as we finally greet the sun and warm weather this spring.
ブルワリー Firestone Walker Brewing / ファイアストーン ウォーカー ブリューイング
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