KAAPSE JONAS met een zinnetje eronder
Dok Brewing Company / ドクブリューイングスタイル | ラガー - Dortmunder / ドルトムンダー |
ABV | 6.0% |
IBU | - |
Dortmunder, also known as Dortmunder Export, is a classic German lager loved by beer lovers around the world.
This style of beer originated in the late 19th century in the city of Dortmund, Germany, and quickly became a popular style throughout Germany and beyond.
Dortmunder is a light to medium-bodied lager with a golden to light amber color and a clean, crisp taste.
It is brewed with high-quality German malted barley, which gives the beer a subtle sweetness and biscuity flavor.
The beer is then hopped with noble hops Perle, Hallertau Hersbrucker and Hallertau Magnum, which impart a mild bitterness and a floral or spicy aroma.
Dortmunder is a very drinkable beer that is perfect for any occasion. Its refreshing taste and moderate alcohol content make it an excellent choice for warm weather and outdoor activities.
If you are looking for a classic style of beer that is sure to please, try Cape Jonas - With a Sentence underneath. Its balance of sweetness and bitterness, along with its smooth and refreshing taste, make it a favorite among beer drinkers around the world.
Artwork door @Maciek Łazowski
ブルワリー Dok Brewing Company / ドクブリューイング
Gent / ヘント
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Dok Brewing Company / ドクブリューイング
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