People to the River / ピープル ツーザ リバー
Smog City / スモッグシティスタイル | IPA - West Coast IPA / ウエストコーストIPA |
ABV | 6.0% |
IBU | - |
今回は「Friends of the LA River」という、ロサンゼルス内の川の清掃や環境保全活動を行う団体とコラボしたWest Coast IPA。
Envision a future where the LA River traverses through the heart of LA’s diverse neighborhoods; reshaped into a dynamic, functional ecosystem teeming with biodiversity. Imagine riding a bike along tree-lined river banks, kayaking the meandering waters, or spending the day birdwatching.
Friends of the LA River work to bring this vision to reality alongside community partners to achieve climate resilience, park equity, and environmental health for all. People to the River IPA is a tribute to the connection we all have to our local watercourse. Amarillo, Centennial, Ekuanot, and Simcoe hops contribute delicate floral tones and a perfumey stone fruit essence.
Smog City’s Community Impact Series benefits our incredible 1% for the Planet non-profit partners, giving back so that they can further their work to make our communities & environment better for all, now and into the future!
ブルワリー Smog City / スモッグシティ
CA,Torrance / カリフォルニア州,トーランス
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