Limited Release 20 - HAZY DIPA / リミテッド リリース 20
Parrotdog Brewery / パロットドッグブルワリースタイル | IPA - Hazy Double IPA / Hazy W-IPA |
ABV | 8.6% |
IBU | - |
One Drop Brewing Co x Parrotdog
Dare to venture beyond. Limited Release 20 is an unhinged Hazy DIPA (Double IPA) brewed with our good friends and hype-lords from One Drop Brewing Co in Sydney. We dialled this one right up - fermenting it with a brand new, super fruity, biotransformative yeast strain and throwing all different hop formats at it - pellets, Cryo pellets (both US + NZ), Dynaboost liquid hops and Hyperboost liquid hops.
Why stop there? One Drop's infamous Clean Fusion(TM) technique was employed for the cold side hop additions - a process where hops are fused with clean fermented beer which has already been centrifuged to remove the yeast. Once all the magic hop oils had dissolved, the beer was then centrifuged one final time to remove any remaining harsh hop material and provide a clean, smooth and incredibly fruity and vibrant beverage. Tropical fruit punch bowl. Zingy citrus. Too smooth for its stature.
ブルワリー Parrotdog Brewery / パロットドッグブルワリー
Lyall Bay, Wellington
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