Imperial French Martini / インペリアルフレンチマルティーニ
Wander Beyond Brewing / ワンダービヨンドブルーイングスタイル | IPA - MilkShake IPA / ミルクシェイクIPA |
ABV | 12.0% |
IBU | - |
Created with mountains of oats and wheat, sweet lactose, lashings of juicy pineapple, tart raspberry and a fruity dry hop of Citra and Chinook. This spritzy beer is flamboyant and refreshing
For anyone wondering about the artwork, the French Martini cocktail originated in New York in the 80's.
So why not treat yourself to a vibrant beery cocktail today.
Imperial French Martini - Imperial French Martini Milkshake IPA
12.0% ABV
Contains: Water, Malted Barley, Oats, Wheat, Lactose, Chinook & Citra Hops, Yeast, Raspberries, Pineapple and Vanilla.
Allergens in bold
Vegetarian friendly
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