The Optimist / オプティミスト
Fort George Brewery / フォートジョージスタイル | IPA - American IPA / アメリカンIPA |
ABV | 6.2% |
IBU | - |
Sometimes it’s hard to look on the bright side; let The Optimist keep your spirits aloft. Simplicity being the ultimate in sophistication, the brewers use a very concise recipe in this India Pale Ale to showcase the providential union of barley and hops. With its radiant golden body, a lively buoyant head, and auspicious floral aroma, your glass will always be half-full while drinking The Optimist.
This easy to drink golden IPA comes packed full of hoppy aromatics.
Hops: Centennial, Mosaic
Malts: Organic 2-Row, Flaked Corn, C-15
Yeast: London ESB
ブルワリー Fort George Brewery / フォートジョージ
OR,Astoria / オレゴン州,アストリア
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Fort George Brewery / フォートジョージ
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